by goertza(at) (Adalbert Goertz)

 Date:  Sat, 27 Nov 1999 15:52:12 GMT
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I recently was pointed to 
which is an online HTML-editor. I dont know but I was of the impression 
that an online program like that should be independent 
of the operating system to be useful. 
This is windows-based, though and useless to me. 
Has anyone used this desktop thing? 
Is there a similar HTML-editor which is truly independent of 
my computer which anyone could use to write webpages? 
-- ** Adalbert & Barbel Goertz ** ph 719-390-1088 ** Fax: 425-732-9921 -- 
---  retired in Colorado Springs, (Colorado is a state of mind) --- 
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