have merci

by goertza(at)fatalerr.com

 Date:  Wed, 26 Jul 2000 08:29:43 -0600
 To:  hwg-basics(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
>I am just stumped!  I can get the page I'm working on to look okay in 
>Explorer, but the Netscape version won't go.  Period.  I've tried 
>validating and ended up with no changes that did a thing to help 
>I feel like it is just one random tag not closed or something, but I 
>find it to save my life 
>The page is http://www.Crohns.net/Crohns/Education.html 
adalbert goertz is amused: 
Why in the world some people like to design fanciful websites 
is a puzzle to me. Do all the bells and whistles substitute for 
contents? Stick to html3.2 and you will grow less grey hair. 
As to validation try  
and you will be happier,too. 
Try the motto "as little as possible, as much as necessary", 
and you will be happier and attract the maximum number of viewers 
who can handle your product. 

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