RE: mouseover on strike/Table question

by Lori Eldridge <lorield(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 3 Dec 2000 08:57:06 -0800
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
 References:  bigfoot
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Hugh and eveyone else who spotted my booboo,

>Just change the last image to "images/contact2.gif".  It's a GIF not a JPG.

I'm sure I changed it but maybe I typed .jpg back in instead of gif. 
I was so tired I couldn't see the mistake and I checked this at least 
twice and specifically the #10 image. Thanks much,

I have another question:

This is the page I was trying to avoid using frames. I designed 
everything below the logo  in a table with several rows and columns 
with the menu on the left (I don't want to use nested tables as they 
are not supported in all browsers). I wanted the images to stay to 
the far right or left (alternating) with text beside them. I couldn't 
get it to work unless I put the last row of the table in 5 columns 
and set each text block to span xColumns  so I could  force the text 
to span the major part of the rows. I tried setting the width (which 
I had to keep at a percentage so it would size itself for all 
resolutions) but it would do it's own thing without reason--spanning 
only 50% of the row when I said 75%.

Is there something else I should have done rather than leave the row 
of 5 columns at the bottom? I tried taking out that row and the whole 
thing collapsed.

This arrangement looks good at 640, 800 and 1000 resolution on on 
NN4.73 and IE5 on my Mac. Can someone tell me if it looks ok in other 
browsers on a PC?

If you have any suggestions for this page I would appreciate it.

Here is the URL again



>OK - slap your head for me (grin)
>Your code:
>ttimg10= new Image(140,20);
>ttimg10.src = "images/contact1.gif";
>ttimg10a= new Image(140,20);
>ttimg10a.src = "images/contact2.jpg";
>Just change the last image to "images/contact2.gif".  It's a GIF not a JPG.
>Have fun,
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: owner-hwg-basics(at) [mailto:owner-hwg-basics(at)]On
>>  Behalf Of Lori Eldridge
>>  Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 7:56 AM
>>  To: hwg-basics(at)
>>  Subject: mouseover on strike
>>  Hi All,
>>  I'm having a minor problem with one mouseover on a redesign of one of
>>  my client's home pages (this is a rough draft). All the mouseovers
>>  are working except the last one. I've checked the code over and can't
>>  see anything wrong. Could someone take a peak at this for me please.
>>  Here is the URL for the page:
>  >
>>  the javascript is in
>>  menu.js
>>  and the text is in
>>  menu.txt
>>  Thanks,
>>  Lori

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