a new search engine spam "trick"

by Lori Eldridge <lorield(at)uswest.net>

 Date:  Fri, 20 Oct 2000 12:12:00 -0700
 To:  hwg-basics(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi All,

This could be an interesting study in search engine manipulation:

I was checking out why one of my client's competition in Texas is 
usually listed higher than my client's site in WA ( they have same 
name but different extensions .com vs .net). I checked the same site 
about a month ago and he had spammed the keyword meta tag with about 
16 lines of keywords and hardly no text on the home page other than 
the title, links and what's on the images.

  I just checked the listing in Altavista again and I discovered that 
he has now taken out all but 3 lines from the meta tags and is now 
spamming the alt tags with repeat lists of about 28 words each and he 
still has hardly any text on the home page. In this way the name of 
the site will appear numerous times in what some search engines will 
read as text (AltaVista is buying it but apparently not AOL cause we 
are now listed above him on AOL, NBCI/snap, Netscape and a few 

AND WHAT IS EVEN MORE INTERESTING is that when I click on the 
Altavista link I get the HTML code as listed above. However when I 
just enter the URL in Netscape I get the old code with the metatag 
keywords spammed again.

When you enter the URL in this manner you get a page with the title 
"Parkway Chevrolet Contents Page" and when you click on the Altavista 
link you get "Parkway Chevrolet Tomball TX".  It appears he may have 
changed the title so people won't know it's in Texas.

Do you think he has made up an alternate page for search engines? I 
read about this in WebProNews.

Please let me know if you know of a way to work around this guy. I'm 
not going to stoop low enough to spam alt tags.

Here is the site in question:

Here is my client's address so you don't confuse the two:

Lori Eldridge
Lori's Web Design

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