Re: Image Stealing

by ErthWlkr(at)

 Date:  Fri, 15 Sep 2000 12:57:38 EDT
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Evelyn

>I've come across at least one competitor that snatched all my pictures
>one line to use on their client's site.  They didn't even bother to change
>the file names.  Is there any way to prevent this sort of thing by placing
>watermark or something on your images without interfering with the content?

I absolutely *hate* when people do this.  Which is why I might spend some 
time/money to go after them.  Watermarking your photos might make you feel 
more comfortable - but as Ted said, what will you do once they start stealing 
your watermarked art?

If it were me, here is how I would proceed (past performance is no indication 
of future success :-) )

- Contact them by email, or phone, or walking in their door, and tell them 
that you aware that they have lifted your work;

- Send them a bill for royalties for use of your work and since they like it 
so much, see if you can make an arrangement where they can continue to pay 
you for its use;

- Ask them to credit your work with contact info;

- Contact an attorney and have him/her send them a letter informing them that 
they are in violation of your copyright and to cease using your work;

- If they continue to behave badly, you can either sue or not sue.  It's a 
civil matter unless you've registered your work with the US Copyright Office 
- then you can go for the whole enchilada including court costs.

Begin nicely - then escalate to your comfort level.  Maybe a little beyond... 

Personally, I don't like this kind of "flattery".  Keep yer hands off my 

- Jeff Kopito

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