AOL Browser

by NaKsanders(at)

 Date:  Fri, 6 Aug 1999 02:52:42 EDT
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I've used AOL for a while, and I have always detested AOL's browsers.  In the 
past I have always run AOL for AOL things and run Netscape seperately (which 
sucks when you're low on RAM), because AOL has sucked so bad.  AOL browsers 
have always had problems with everything that you could have problems with.  
So basically, don't expect your pages to look good at all no matter what you 
do, on AOL browsers.  Until 4.0.  I guess their merger with Netscape had some 
good, because the browser with AOL 4.0 seems to work very well.  It still has 
some problems every once in a while choking on scripts or something, but in 
general, it works very admirably.  I guess you'd only have to worry about 
some NN-specific or IE-specific codes not working w/ AOL (maybe AOL uses NN 
codes now?), but then you'd have to worry about that anyways, so...

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