Re: web developing

by ErthWlkr(at)

 Date:  Sat, 10 Jun 2000 06:16:56 EDT
 To:  mkdesai(at)
 Cc:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Good Mornin':

It was asked:

> is there any website which checks the given page or site
>  for compatibility with all major browsers? something like a HTML validator
>  which we use for checkin our code.thnx in adv.

Don't know about web sites - but as far as software goes, I use Homesite on 
my PC at home and BBEdit for the Mac. Both are HTML formatting programs - not 
WYSIWYG - that also let you you preview your work in both Explorer and 
Netscape.  What it doesn't do is allow you to preview on AOL's browser which 
is it's own version of Explorer.  I will tell you from experience that a page 
will look fine in IE and Netscape and then problematic on AOL.

Then there's the platform issue - pages also look different from PC to Mac.  

Prefer PC myself...  :-)

- Jeff K.

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