a basic form question

by Lori Eldridge <lorel(at)ior.com>

 Date:  Thu, 20 Apr 2000 21:05:49 -0700
 To:  hwg-basics(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi All,

I'm just learning how to set up a formmail. My server uses Matt's Script for=
 forms. After reading the documentation available on his website and also my=
 host company's data and a few other documents, it appears that the actual=
 script goes inbetween the head /head  tags and the rest of the form page is=
 an enormous table set up with other tables, links, radio buttons, lists,=
 etc., with fields linked back to the script at the top of the page such as=
 one would use when trying to merge fields in a word processor document. Am=
 I on the right track so far?

The thought of having to write out all this code by hand sounds like an=
 enormous task. Are there sites on the net that will let you design the=
 forms online and provide you with the code?



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