Re: a basic form question

by Lori Eldridge <lorel(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 23 Apr 2000 06:24:55 -0700
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Jim and all=20

I want to thank everyone for your very helpful tips on Formmail. I'm begging=
 to understand all that is entailed now.

>The other thing is that I don't write most of this by hand. A couple of
>keystrokes with emacs and up comes some prompts asking for a name and
>the size of say the input for a text form. It is sort of ''pseudo''
>writing by hand since I've customized emacs so that I have the common
>prompts and parameters in a macro.

Can you tell me what you mean by emacs? Is that software or you talking=
 about iMac?

>What are you using to write your pages? There are very good text mode
>editors of HTML that have these features.

I write all my code by hand. I can't afford to even pay for one of the=
 shareware programs  so I don't use them.  I have always used Eudora (first=
 EudoraPro and now Eudora Light--since I upgraded to a PowerMac and OS9 I=
 can't use the old EudoraPro any more because I didn't stay current with the=
 upgrades and will have to buy another). I know Eudora doesn't claim to be=
 an HTML text editor but I keep the text wrap feature off and it works just=
 fine. I do all my writing in Eudora and have 99% of what I want to put=
 online in ascii text already and/or in Eudora mail so I just find it easier=
 to use this than trying to learn a new program and having to have two=
 programs open.

I recently acquired NetObjects Fusion with my new scanner but it will take=
 too long to learn how to use it (and I know how to use FrontPage) and I=
 don't have the time to mess with it right now, and I prefer writing my own=
 code anyway.

Thanks for your help,


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