Re: JavaScript in table tags

by "Martin Clifford" <MLC1(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 01 Apr 2002 13:02:23 -0500
 To:  <Hilma(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Okay -

>From what I understand, the W3C put together a list of *recommendations* =
for people to follow as they write their code.  I don't believe you must =
strictly adhere to it as law.

Frankly, there is no way you are going to get those values into your =
content section without using JavaScript (unless you are going to use =
server-side applications to do so) without putting <script/script> tags =
into the table.  I can't see WHY they would recommend that developers not =
use JavaScript commands within a table... I do it on my site with no =

Maybe I'll head on over to the W3C website and see what it's all about.


>>> "Hilma" <Hilma(at)> 04/01/02 12:15PM >>>
Hi -

>While I could not connect to your site for whatever reasons, I can
visualize the layout of your page quite easily.  And you >are right, it is
the standard format (from what I've seen).

!! oh dear - i'm having real problems with people accessing my sites :-(
I C&P the address that i see in my browser, but others can;t get at them.
Strange :-(

>I'm not quite sure I understand what you are trying to accomplish with
JavaScript, or why it would give you an error.  >JavaScript can be placed
anywhere in an HTML document and still function, unless you are trying to
use event handlers >inside the Table tags themselves, in which case you =
errors because Tabel tags can't handle events.

I want to fill my tables with values that i calculate; so i have JS to add
the <td> and the values that it calculates.

>>Or are you just trying to strictly adhere to W3C standards, and in that
mind-set, it is an error to put JavaScript inside >>
>>Table tags?  I might be able to help if you could just clarify a bit. =

That is it exactly - the code does exactly what i want it to do ( in the 3
big browsers) - but won't pass W3C validation, as no <script tags> are
allowed inside tables.

so whilst

          summary=3D"Prices Chart"
          border =3D"1"
          width =3D"50"

         <script type=3D"text/javascript" language=3D"javascript">


(Which is within the content areas of the main page, ie within a <td> cell
function calcPrices(fromQty, toQty, meAlign)
  document.write("<tr> <td>Weight</td> <td>Cost</td>");
  for (halfKilo=3DfromQty; halfKilo<=3DtoQty; halfKilo=3DhalfKilo+1)



Works fine, it doesn't pass validation;
And whilst i could fix the code to create the whole *Prices* table within
CalcPrices, I can;t fix it to get the prices-calc script (which also =
the Prices-table cells) out of the "Main content cell" of the page table.

>>I'll be here for a while... 8am to 5pm... everyday.

Would that be GMT, BST, US-time, Oz-time ...or when ?
or rather - where!

Lets go military and use GMT for everything :-)

Many thanks -


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