image and other folders

by Molly <Molly_Brewer(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 22 Sep 2000 15:48:30 -0400
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Shelley,

I prefer image folders if the same images are used in more than one 
directory, but I guess you aren't dealing with that.

In my previous role as server manager, it saved me on scrolling if 
webmasters submitted their sites as compactly as possible... when you 
are managing hundredss of sites, and no one uses subdirectories, it 
has a cumulative effect, which is another reason for placing your 
images in folders.

If your images aren't shared by other, separate sites, which I'm 
sensing they're not, and if there is no human being trying to 
maintain your website from the server, along with a huge number of 
other sites, the only remaining reason for places images into their 
own folder is "anal retentive."

Just my opinion, I'm sure there are others who understand the 
complexities better than I do.


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