Question about a client

by "Phillip Perry" <pperry(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 14 May 2002 16:01:55 -0400
 To:  <hwg-business(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  nucleus
  todo: View Thread, Original

I have a client who I have *almost* completed a web site for (2 pages left
on a small site). The project should have taken a month, max, but has now
ballooned into a year. Mostly because getting updates from him is like
pulling teeth and I can't continue until he gets me this information. Before
I continue I should say...I have no contract in place (let the bashing
begin! :) ).

Anyway, now after about 4 months or so of not hearing from him, I sent an
email last night very nicely asking what's going on. I let it go 4 months
because he's a friend of a friend (big mistake). He says he has been working
on getting a major investor into his startup but as of yet there is no deal.
Now I interpret that as *I have no money right now so you need to wait*. My
question is, with no contract how long exactly do I have to wait? Should I
ask for partial payment or does no contract prevent me from that? The only
agreement in place is how many pages and how much which was on the quote I
gave him.

Let me leave you by saying I now have a 10 page contract for anyone who
comes through my door, virtual or otherwise which I spent quite a few days
on with my lawyer (acquired due to this problem).

Thanks in advance,


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hwg-business(at) [mailto:owner-hwg-business(at)]On
Behalf Of Rob Atkinson
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 12:02 AM
To: hwg-business(at)
Subject: Re: EU Tax Collection/Grab

> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 10:50:34 -0700
> From: "PG Music Webmaster" <webmaster(at)>
> Subject: EU Tax Collection/Grab
> From a brief read, this would include all downloadable digital products,
> including documents, video, software, and audio.
> Here's the link
> gital_tax_3
> My question is, how many of you sell digital products and how many are
> equipped to collect and remit taxes for other jurisdictions?
> This will certainly affect our company, as we sell our software online.
> David Godfrey
> Developer/Net-decorator
> PG Music Inc.

 From looking at your URL David, I can see where this would be of
concern to you. However, being as it is over a year before
"supposedly" becoming legal, I'm sure there will still be much
"ado" about it.

My business area is Web Hosting and other "non-tangible" areas
and do not feel that my or similar type businesses, would be
affected by it.

Even still, if I were you I would sit back and relax till 2003
April, before losing any sleep over it.

Website Rob
Helping people create a Potent Web Site

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