e-commerce Start Up Tips Needed

by "Tom Potter" <tpotter(at)pobox.com>

 Date:  Thu, 13 Apr 2000 15:37:53 -0700
 To:  <hwg-business(at)mail.hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
I know HTML pretty well, but that's about it.  No CGI, no XML, very little
Java, Etc...  I have done one money making site for a professional business
that would now like for their site to have e-commerce (shopping cart)

I will need to incorporate punchout capabilities via cXML (commerce XML)
into the shopping cart submissions so the order information will be sent not
only to my client, but also to the organization that provides the punchout
service, www.ariba.com .

I'm pretty sure I can figure out the cXML part of things, but I have no idea
how to go about setting up an e-commerce site, since I'm not quite sure what
all is involved and have never done any cgi-bin stuff.

Any tips on where I can go to learn about this?  Any recommendations on
inexpensive but reasonably secure e-commerce software and implementaion?


Tom Potter

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