Unscruplous Webmasters
by "Rob Brosey" <rbrosey(at)earthlink.net>
Date: |
Sat, 4 Nov 2000 00:16:48 -0500 |
To: |
<hwg-business(at)hwg.org> |
todo: View
Hi all,
I have been reading this little discussion and I can agree with some of it
BUT, let me ask you all... Is it really the "Unscrupulous Webmasters" that
create the problem OR is it really attributed to the total lack of
understanding and incompetence of the client. Let me give you a personal
example. I have a client that said I want a web site. When you go to
register the name for the company, after a long discussion on the
registration importance with them you ask WHO do you want me to register it
with and other particulars that go along with the name registration... down
the road the person in charge either forgets all about it OR leaves the
company or gets fired... what are they to do down then. You still have the
registration information that the client can come back to you for.
Now that I have babbled on lets see if I can really tie this up. In my
opinion, really it comes down to US. The "professional" and being
professional about how we conduct our selves and our business. Clients new,
old, and yes... "the thank god I don't have your account any more client"
need our professional help. That's why they seek us out. I know that it is
not going to stop some people from doing the wrong thing but, we as
individuals can at least try and I believe just by discussing this it helps.
Just my rambling two cents.
Rob Brosey
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