Explaining information to clients

by "Maple Tree Designs" <kim(at)mapletreedesigns.com>

 Date:  Sun, 11 Jun 2000 23:12:26 -0500
 To:  <hwg-business(at)hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi, I am fairly new to this list and have enjoyed lurking. I have not being
doing web design business very long and have only done a handful of sites. I
was curious as to how do most of you "explain" all the requirements needed
to complete a website.

I have made up a "guideline" sheet to help my clients know what is needed
(logos, pictures, text in a text file or word type file) Seems to me that
most of these people approaching me to do a website know absolutely NOTHING
about computers much less the web. I understand that all the information is
very overwhelming, because it was for me at first, however, there has got to
be a simplified way to get clients to understand that I'm not a magician. I
need some sort of information about their company to put up on the website,
because no one knows their business better than the owner, right??? Some
people act like it is too much trouble to type up information about their

Is it just because I'm new, or do others face this similar problem. I'd
appreciate any input!! Thanks


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