Re: Business Plan

by "Bob Webb" <bobwebb2(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 1 Feb 2000 23:23:15 -0500
 To:  <hwg-business(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
There are ample resources and examples for writing and developing a business
plan on the net and in paper back.  For starters, I've listed several useful
links below, but I'm sure if you check the web sites of entrepreneurial
organizations near your place of business you can find additional resources,
and likely some local educational institutions that offer mentoring.  In
addition, most of the big 5/6 accounting firms publish books about writing
business plans, and most will be glad to provide you a copy - just contact
their entrepreneurial services division.  Also, although they generally
don't have the glossy printed brochures, many smaller accounting firms offer
competent and personalized assistance.  There are also a host of firms that
offer varying levels of "business plan writing."  I would be wary of someone
who simple wants to "write your plan" for a fee.  If you don't feel
comfortable writing and developing it yourself, you at least need to be
intimately involved in developing it - since you know the business and since
you will be implementing.  Advisors are best used to provide a sounding
board, supply technical expertise (such as in the accounting area), and, if
you intend to use the plan to raise capital, help you address the issues
that venture funders would expect to be addressed.  Some links I would
suggest as a good start are:

Bob Webb

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