RE: Intellectual Property Protection (was: Testing)

by Nathan Lyle <nathan(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 29 May 2002 16:35:34 -0400
 To:  hwg-business(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Thanks for the thoughts and links... at this point I'm checking with
someone I know who had more of the business "drive" to see if he'd be
interested in helping make the push. I'm not sure I have the energy to
spare to work it out without my current enterprises suffering. :-/

~ The U.P. Web Maestro (Nathan Lyle)

  E-Mail: nathan(at)
   Phone: (906)485-4806

"Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don\'t need to be done." - Andy Rooney.

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