by "G. Adam Stanislav" <whizkid(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 06 Feb 2001 15:55:24 -0600
 To:  <brian(at)>,
"HWG Business" <hwg-business(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  cncdsl
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 08:52 06-02-2001 -0500, Brian V Bonini wrote:
>I have forwarded copies of the email to the ISP's
>where the mail originates from.

Many spammers have their own domain and email their spam directly
to a list of names, bypassing their ISP altogether. The "ISP"
listed in the header may be no other than the spammer itself.

>But, I'm still getting these emails.

There are things you can do about stopping it. As someone pointed
out, you can have your email software filter out email coming from any
specific address.

Better yet, try to find a way for it never to even reach your computer.
Personally, I never use the email address assigned to me by my ISP.
Instead, I use my own domains or some of the free email addresses,
which I have automatically forwarded to my domain.

My web host (pair) runs procmail, which I can configure with a file
named .procmailrc. Whenever I get hit by a repeat spammer, I edit
my .procmailrc to forward all of its future email to me(at)
This is a free service by Every message forwarded to
me(at) they automatically send back to the originator with a
notice that you do not wish to receive any email from them. Whether
they comply with the request or not, I never see any email from them
again because it always returns to them. If they have half a brain
in their head, they remove my email address from their list to prevent
their own mail to me bouncing back to them.

Also, if the email contains a toll-free number, I call it and ask them
to remove me from their list. This costs them money. If enough people
call them, they will think twice about sending out spam next time.

>This is s disruption to my business at this point,
>it's crazy.....


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