Spammers and web hosting

by Rachel Hartman <rhartman(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 04 Jan 2000 20:24:32 -0600
 To:  "Majordomo(at)" <hwg-business(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
As I have all too frequently, I received some spam earlier today, and I 
reported it to the hosting service providing their web site.  Frankly, all 
I expected was a form letter either acknowledging the complaint or a form 
letter stating that the account had been terminated.

Instead I got a nastily worded response informing me that I was a) stupid 
for not verifying that their account had been yanked and b) a spammer 
myself for sending e-mail to the hosting company about the first spam.

I won't name the hosting company here, but if anyone ever asks me about 
them and their customer service, I'll know what to say.  I understand that 
spam is a problem, but out-and-out bitchery is a hellova way to handle 
business correspondence.

Has anyone else had a similar problem when reporting spam?

Rachel Hartman
Rachel R. Hartman, Co-Owner
Hartman WebWrights - (512) 989-7844
Affordable, hand-crafted web pages for your company's needs

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