Foot-dragging clients

by Rachel Hartman <rhartman(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 06 Jan 2000 12:56:42 -0600
 To:  "Majordomo(at)" <hwg-business(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Tomorrow I'm going to be writing a batch of letters to various clients and 
potential clients.  In the latter category, I have people who called or 
wrote to express an interest in getting a web site, but wanted to wait 
"until after the holidays" (and, I suspect, to make sure the world didn't 
go boom).  For that category, a polite reminder and our preliminary 
customer survey is all I intend.

But the other batch is for people who have actually signed a contract and 
haven't been returning my calls, my e-mail, or my previous letters.  You 
know, the people who don't seem to believe you when you say, "I need X, Y, 
and Z from you because I can't build a web site without content," or "I've 
finished the preliminary version of your web site, as you can see if you go 
to our private lab space; say the word and it'll go public."  I plan on 
being as polite as possible to these people, and only one is likely to get 

Understand that these aren't dunning letters--but the Accounts Payable 
people are a lot more prompt than their bosses.

What techniques do you use to maintain client excitement and 
interest?  Overall, I do fairly well in maintaining a good client 
relationship (it's those Southern genes), but I'm always interested in 
hearing what others do.

Rachel Hartman
Rachel R. Hartman, Co-Owner
Hartman WebWrights - (512) 989-7844
Affordable, hand-crafted web pages for your company's needs

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