Re: Keeping track of time

by "Judith C. Kallos" <webmaster(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 08 May 2000 10:08:05 -0500
 To:  hwg-business(at)
 In-Reply-To:  aol
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 03:10 AM 05/08/2000 -0400, WebProgrmr(at) was curious and pondered:
>Do you use software to keep track of time spent on various parts of your
>projects?  I'm familiar with one shareware product called Time Slips.  It's a
>PC product that I use at work.  It provides nice data reports broken down by
>client, by date, etc., etc.

Hey, Dan!

We just had a comprehensive thread on this exact topic on 4/23 .... check 
the archives for: "Keeping track of time"




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