Re: The state of the web developing biz.

by Marty Landman <marty(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 30 May 2002 23:12:30 -0400
 To:  "Darrell King" <darrell(at)>,
 References:  jbarchuk face2interface
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 08:34 AM 5/30/02 -0400, Darrell King wrote:

>I have to wonder, though....with all that money that was flying about, is
>there anyone out there today survived the crash unscathed AND rich?
>Probably...I guess every gold rush leaves a few of the early birds rich.
>Just hell on the town economy when the gold dries up...:).

Y'know my wife and I once heard on a tour of a lost gold mine that most of 
the prospectors that even made money didn't get rich from the gold they 
mined. It just wasn't all that much money. Where some of them did get rich 
though was from investing that money. The tour guide specifically said this 
one miner bought several acres in what became downtown Denver.

Not sure how it relates... maybe that there's always a next great 
investment if you can think ahead of the curve just a little.


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