Password Protected Web Site

by TaylorsDesigns(at)

 Date:  Sat, 29 Jul 2000 09:31:51 EDT
 To:  hwg-business(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello All,

My turn to ask a question, again.

I am still a very *young* internet business, so I do not have a wide range of 
knowledge yet.

My question: Is there any *free* sites that offer password protection?  I 
want to do a prototype web site for a client, but he is concerned that his 
idea might be stolen, hence, someone might stumble upon his prototype while I 
am working and testing it. I do not have any other means to show him is site 
other than uploading it, then telling him the URL.

I was hoping that there were sites that when you type in the URL, you have to 
then type in a name and password to enter the site. If any of you know of 
such sites, please send me the URL's. I would prefer free sites, but any will 
do at this point.

Thanks In Advance!

Taylors Designs
Designs *Taylor-ed* Just For You!

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