by "Mike Green" <mgreen(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 30 May 1998 15:00:03 -0400
 To:  "Jackie" <Jackie(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  co
  todo: View Thread, Original

Hello Jackie!

Well, both for a personal and business interest I was wondering what your
site was about. So here's my [real-time] thoughts translated into an e-mail.
The system I was using is a P300II machine with a 33k6 modem, Win95 in a
resolution of 800x600 24bit. The browser: MSIE 4.01.

* I followed the link and a screen flashed in front of me. It said something
with "uh-oh" and I saw "IO" but it disappeared, too fast for me to read.
After that I had a 404 (File not found) message. The resulting URL:

Now, I assume that the "uh-oh" message was meant for non-Java browsers (or
JavaScript). MSIE 4 does support Java and JavaScript, so something in the
browser detection failed I guess...

* A second attempt (I'm not "beaten" so quickly) with Netscape Navigator (4)
failed completely with a 404 error. Now I was thinking "didn't I see a page
flash by with MSIE?". But adding a trailing slash ('/') to the URL you gave
gave me solved the problem... so far. The same thing as with MSIE happened:
A page flashing by and then the 404 as a final result.

* Okay, so I'm stuck with a page flashing by before I can read it and a 404.
So I decided to test my reaction time by hitting the "Stop" button on my
browser when I saw this screen. Ah, got it! Hmm.. It says I need Netscape
Navigator 3+ or MS Internet Explorer 4... I wonder if Netscape and Microsoft
cheated with my browser versions....?

All in all: I was hoping to find something promising but was disappointed to
find I couldn't visit your site due to these 404 errors/browser detection.
Hopefully I can visit it in future though!

  Mike Green.

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