RE: Please critique a site

by "Mike Green" <mgreen(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 24 May 1998 01:35:10 -0400
 To:  "Katana" <myhtml(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  srv
  todo: View Thread, Original

Hello Katana!

I'm am at the site right now. The system I am using is a P300II with Win95,
a 33K6 modem, MSIE4 and working with 800x600 24 bit resolution.

Okay, I'm at the site and it is very nice on the eyes! It loaded pretty
quick too! Now, since this is a commercial site, I do have some comments
about it...

* Think of Internet surfers being "the people of convenience" (No, don't
stereotype). With that, I refer to the first line of text containing "Or
Email Us, our Email button is below". Although manually typing an e-mail
address is not part of a convenience, needing to scroll or "go somewhere
else" is. I'd replace "our Email button is below" with a mailto link
"we_are(at)" (the actual address of course). This is also for those who
wish to keep the e-mail for in future rather than e-mailing right then...
something I do once a while.

* You have a nice Java image there. However, I wonder why it's there? It's
not really necessary for a commercial page, although it does bring it some
more alive.

Well, that was short? Yes, because the rest of your site is great! Well done
there! Oh, wait... Not really related to the site, but should you really
mention that the trademark is registered in Idaho? I don't know if it's
necessary to do so in Idaho, but Federal Registered trademarks take priority
over State Registered trademarks - meaning that telling people it's
registered in the state of Idaho, people can still "steal" it by registering
it in.. uhm, Missouri or on a Federal level.... Just a thought.

  Mike Green

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