RE: Validation & Browser Questions

by "Atticus Longwalker" <lngwlkr(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 8 Jun 1998 23:43:49 -0500
 To:  "'HWG Critique List'" <hwg-critique(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
  I have never used that tag, but from the looks of it, it is indenting,
just not far enough. could you put in a couple of more UL tags to move it
over farther?


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hwg-basics(at) [mailto:owner-hwg-basics(at)]On
Behalf Of Tasha Yar
Sent: Monday, June 08, 1998 10:12 PM
To: hwg-basics(at)
Subject: Validation & Browser Questions

Thanks again to everyone who helped me a few days ago.  Since you were so
helpful I have come back for more <g>.

After running my site through I have more
questions than answers.  Some of the things that came up I could recognize
easily, like having open tags, etc.  However, there are some items that I
could use some clarification.

These are some of the errors that I received and perhaps someone more
seasoned could enlighten me as to my mistakes and how I may correct them.
Am I using tags that are exclusive to only NN4 (which I use) or just bad
html?  I ask because while visiting my father I took a gander at my site
through aol, which supposedly uses IE3 and I was embarrassed.

I had read in a number of sources that the <ul> could be used as a fake
indent and I did that so the text of my page could be to the right of the
border. Obviously that is not validating, however viewing it through IE 3
(and my friend tried IE4) the red line appears right in the middle of the
text. BTW, I ran my site through WebGarage and it told me that my HTML is
excellent.  Obviously I am not putting much faith in that, when I can see
for myself that is not so.

This is the site in question.  I knew going in that the geoguide wouldn't
validate, but I wanted to try to clean up everything else.

Error at line 145:
   adding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor=#FFFFFF width=468>
                                              an attribute value must
         be a literal unless it contains only name characters

Error at line 146:
   "" target="_top"><img width="101" h...
              there is no attribute "TARGET"

Error at line 80:
   <font face="arial, helvetica">

Error at line 158:
              there is no attribute "HEIGHT"  (explanation...)

Error at line 164:" target="_top">
                                                             general entity
                        "next" not defined and no default entity

I just tried to create a simpler ring code for people to add to their
sites, and once again through IE4 it looks disjointed, while it looks fine
in NN4.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can take the time to try to educate this


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