Re: Another restaurant

by "Steve Schieberl" <ewdg(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 18 Jul 1999 23:33:43 -0700
 To:  "hwg-critique" <hwg-critique(at)>
 References:  hwg home
  todo: View Thread, Original
A few things:

1.  Load time was pretty heavy (21 seconds @ 28.8 kbps).
2.  Redo the buttons
        a.  Make them smaller
        b.  Don't have the image swaps be with such large images (picture in
the middle)
        c.  Change the proximity of the buttons, make them all uniform
        d.  The menu at the bottom is redundant.  That is only needed for
very long pages (Example:
        e.  A nice way to layout this same menu would be something along the
lines of this:
3.  Change the "Great American Food" logo so the background blends in with
the page background.
4.  Change your background color, that yellow just doesn't work too well
with this page.

Don't take this as a flame.  Take it as constructive criticism.  My advice
is only based on my opinion.  In fact, I usually don't even say anything at
all unless I feel that who I'm writing to has the potential to create a
good-looking site.  You have your coding techniques down.  All your site
lacks are a few proper design elements, which I feel you'll have no problem

Best of luck,

> Thanks in advance for any and all critiques of the following:
> Load time information would be helpful as I am on cable modem which is
> deceptively fast.

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