Re: Critique:

by "Bert Doorn" <bdoorn(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 7 Jan 1999 00:18:33 +0800
 To:  <hwg-critique(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
OK I'll have a go at a critique - time to stop lurking :-)

Pentium 166MMX
Win95 800x600 16-bit
IE4.72 with 56K modem at 46K

First page

1. First impression - nice clean look but a lot of white space on the right.
I assume you designed it with 640x480 visitors in mind.   If you want to
keep this width, perhaps center the table so the page does not look so

2. The graphics next to the buttons [>] don't do anything - I expected them
to be alternatives for the text links.   Perhaps something to consider?

3. The "t" in exciting appears to be bold - looks odd.

Now on to the intro page

1. Lots of white space again on the right - I still don't like that.

2. On this page I noticed that everything was in lower-case.   Is that
deliberate?  Makes it harder to read IMHO.

3. I would make the headings (like "how does it do this?") stand out a bit
more.  Perhaps make them bold or slightly larger text

4. a lot of text on this page and all of it is in lowercase.  you might
consider highlighting some keywords.  people do not tend to read everything
on a web page but scan it.  highlighting key words would attract their
attention to them (like te way i stopped using capitals?)

5. took me a while to figure out how to get back to the starting page from
here - the crossed box was in this case a link (as opposed to those in the
first page).  perhaps make it more obvious?

on to tech:

1. still no capitals and still lots of white space.  it *must* be
deliberate!  and lots of text again - i'm not going to read all that.  would
a potential customer?

on to demo

1. as above

2. i won't try the live demo as it says it probably won't work so i'll have
a look at the slide show

on to slide show

1. you guessed it!

2. doesn't look like a slideshow to me.  just another page like the others
but with some pictures this time.

3. i noticed too that there are now four images at the top for navigation
and this time they seem to lead somewhere (although i can't figure out what
the symbols stand for).   perhaps look at making the navigation more

4. it says (1) dialling the number (etc).  what is step 2?  can't seem to
find it...

last page and i'm going to use capitals again, coz it's easier

1. Same again

2. Only contact available via email?  How about a "enquiry form" and perhaps
telephone and fax numbers?   What about a snail mail address?

Finally, the curve on the "border" does not match up with the bar in IE4

Hope this is useful to you
Bert Doorn, Member of the HTML Writers Guild
Author of Beginners' Website Design Tips

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