Re: Please critique

by "Evil Dave" <gauer(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 4 Oct 1998 18:15:00 -0700
 To:  <hwg-critique(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>I have been learning Paint Shop Pro and have done a major graphic
>overhaul on my index page. It is sort of a combination personal and
>business page. Or, at least a jumping off point to my business

Jolly good!
Paint Shop rules.  Hell, I love it so much, I even registered it.

>I'd like to know how it appears in different platforms, screen
>resolutions, browsers, etc. Esthetic appeal, loading time, page
>layout, etc.

Looks great at my resolution.
Colors are superb.
Graphics are perfect.
It immediately pleased my eye.  A very appealing combination of elements.

Only one thing I thought could be changed:  The centered items work up to a
point.  In fact, they look really good.  But IMO there are just too many
things centered on the page.
What might look better would be to have the bulk of the material centered,
but have each item aligned left.
Perhaps a table or two could produce the right effect:

[all of the stuff at the top]
[your list of links]
[all of the stuff at the bottom]

Or something like that.

Have fun with PSP.

-David Gauer

Browsers: NN4.05, IE4.0
Modem: 57.6K
Monitor: 17"
Resolution: 1024x768
Machine: PII 400mhz 128MB

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