Re: Please Critique site

by "bmccune" <bmccune(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 10 May 1998 07:07:45 -0500
 To:  "Holly" <Holly_Davis(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original

>Hello List,
>I did a site for my mom and I would like everyone 's opinion on it.  It's
for her business that she just opened up.  The address
>will probably change but for now it's at
>There is only the main site at the moment so don't try any of the links,
because they will not work.
>Dragon Moor

Hello Holly,

        Sent you private mail response, hope ya got it...

    As far as the critique goes very few things seen but a few on the code,
a few personal thoughts and few OLD MAN bad eyes thoughts....

        1) You have numerous Font tags not closed
        2) Many no Height/Width tags, assume for the mouseovers, would load
faster if
            they where installed, also the Alt tags. Even if you just type
"Required" least
            it would validate. A few Table errors with tags...
        3) With the Blue Border, cannot read the think it says Dragon Moor
and something
            else at the bottom
        4) Now this is the Personal part, Name "The Many Splendid Thing".
Sounds un-
            Finished. Small change instead "The" what about the common "A"
        5) Saw a couple "640" widths, should stay at the 600 max setting.

Other than these few things think it loaded fast, looked good in the below
settings on all 3 machines I have up and running (Power is a Many Splendid
thing) <G>....
All worked as you intended it to here..


IE 4.0, IE 4.1, NS 3.1
56k Motorola

Dragon Works Web Design
E-Mail: dragonwk(at)
Ben McCune
E-Mail: bmccune(at)
ICQ - 9916649
WebMaster <---- "A Title used by many practiced by few"
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