by "Tim Hartpence" <cobrah(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 19 Feb 1998 13:36:00 -0600
 To:  <hwg-critique(at)>,
"sini makela" <sini.makela(at)Helsinki.FI>
  todo: View Thread, Original
While I appreciate the critique on my page and the errors are duly noted,
I believe that HWG rules state that pricing cannot be discussed
<per >.

Tim and Jaime Hartpence,
PaigeCrafters, Internet Page Design
Members, HTML Writers Guild
-----Original Message-----
From: sini makela <sini.makela(at)Helsinki.FI>
To: Tim Hartpence <cobrah(at)>; hwg-critique(at)
Date: Thursday, February 19, 1998 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: OOPS!

>At 02:44 19.2.1998 -0600, Tim Hartpence wrote:
>>I forgot to mention --
>>it's a commercial site -- very plain at the moment, so don't expect much!!
>> (in case someone didn't read the
>You graphics need anti-aliasing.
>You have several errors on your pages (tried to validate them).. starting
>from missing DOCTYPE declaration. TITLE element has to be within HEAD. And
>ALT attribute for images isn't optional in HTML4.0.
>Then about the content of the pages.
>Your prices.. I find it very absurd that hyperlinks cost something,
>I think there should be unlimited amount of hyperlinks per page, or maybe
>some more reasonable amount than 5 or 10.
>Like you have to pay $599 and you get only 25 links... weird.
>Also your something about your FAQ.. If a person has found his/her way to
>your page I suspect that person knows what WWW and website mean. You could
>also add
>an index of questions at the beginning of the page (with links to answers).
>Good luck

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