Re: Critique

by "Mike Green" <mgreen(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 14 Mar 1998 16:22:34 -0500
 To:  "Ned Wandall" <wands(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original

>Please critique this commercial site.
>It is still being upgraded, not all photos are ready to post yet, and the
>text on the clothing page is being rewritten but I would like to get
>comments on the overall site.

Looks good! Works great! I've only tested it with Netscape Navigator (4.03)
yet, I'll give you an update when I will with another browser. The images on
the first page are downloaded pretty quick, so it wasn't "staring at a
screen waiting for it to be done" - that always makes a very good first
impression on customers. The "mouseovers" seem to work just as well and

However, I do have two comments. After clicking on the "products" image on
the first page loaded, I am presented a new page: The title shows up as
"Frames". I'd suggest that you change this to the name of the company and/or
what page it is, e.g "(Company Name) - Product Overview".

Second (and this is a personal opinion), the font could be changed as well
as the allignment. For example: On the same page as mentioned above, the
font looks like it's Times Roman in Bold. Well, it's Times Roman because
this is my "default font" in Netscape, so in MSIE this font would be Arial.
Change this font to either "Arial" or "Times Roman" with the <FONT> setting,
so it shows up the same in MSIE, Netscape and other browsers. The Bold
setting is annoying to some people (including me), there's no real need for
that unless you must make something clear to the viewer/customer.

Then, before the table starts with the products, it has a piece of text
alligned in center "To add an item... etc". My suggestion on that: Place a
center alligned table there instead, the same width as the table below it.
Then place the text in that table, alligned to the Left. Why? This looks
nicer and it's easier to read.

Oh, and before I forget. When I test a web site, I always have a look at the
source of the HTML pages (don't worry - I know what the word Copyright
means). I see a line like this: <p align="center">$nbsp;$nbsp;$nbsp; .... 20
times more ... $nbsp;$nbsp;</p>... I still haven't figured out what the
purpose of that line is. Maybe it was the purpose to use a couple <P> lines?

And presented to you: the critique!

  Mike Green - EmixodE Communications

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