Re: I guess I can't handle the truth.....

by "Tim and Jaime Hartpence" <cobrah(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 23 Apr 1998 09:26:39 -0500
 To:  "Rochelle Burns" <brayzicki(at)>,
"HWG-CRITIQUE" <hwg-critique(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

>I know this sounds irrational (and terribly off-topic), but if I can't
>be Mozart, I'd rather not compose.  As it stands, I think I'll just give
>up on webpage work altogether and devote more time to my writing which,
>while still imperfect, somehow seems more tolerable to me despite its

GEEZ!!!  And what happens the first time you receive criticism on your
writing?  Will you run from that, too?

Do not give up on HTML just because someone criticizes you!  Whenever I
receive critcism, it makes me 500 times more determined to do better!

Unless there is a whole different story going on about you giving up webpage
design, you sound like the biggest wimp in the world!

Life isn't perfect and people aren't always kind.  You just have to deal
with it and move on -- or cower in the corner for the rest of your life,
always scared of someone saying a harsh word to you.  If you truly love HTML
and web design, do not throw it away just because of criticism!  LEARN MORE

Best of luck in whatever decision you make!

Jaime Hartpence,
PaigeCrafters, Internet Page Designers

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