Re: Netscape 3.0 table problem?

by "S Ross" <sross(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 15 Apr 1998 00:42:47 -0400
 To:  "Janet L. Cady" <jlcady(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original

From: Janet L. Cady <jlcady(at)>
To: hwg-critique(at) <hwg-critique(at)>
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 1998 12:07 AM
Subject: Netscape 3.0 table problem?

>Could someone look at and tell me
>if you see any problems with this page?  I've had a report that using NS
>3.0, the "Mission Statement" diplays correctly but the rest of the page
>is missing except for the last table ("RHPS Membership) which display
>way down on the page.

I use NN 3.0  they are right.  things don't show up.  I tried running it
webtechs validation service.  It went over the 50 max for errors, beginning
your doc type declaration.  A quick glance at the source, it appears you
your tables nested incorrectly in a couple of places.
Overriding your doc type with 3.2 and 4.0 transitional shows a table error
line 69.

>I understand that this might be a problem because of  Netscape 3.0 and
>would appreciate someone taking the time to possibly provide a solution
>to this problem.  What is the percentage of people still using 3.0 and
>do I need to be concerned with that issue?  No other reports have been
>made using IE versions or Netscape 4.

Not a problem with NN, but a problem with the code.  Backwards compatibility
is always an issue to be concerned with.  NN 3 is still being used by many,
those of us with systems capable of handling the newer versions fo browsers.
Personal preference, I prefer NN 3.  so do others.

S Ross

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