Re: Critique - Stupid me...

by "Queen Dido" <romanbtch(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 31 Dec 1997 22:22:18 PST
 To:  hwg-critique(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
>Hi Nat,
>have been looking and researching (many many hours) on a good way to
>implement text only (no html or graphics - which actually defeats the
>purpose of my idea and lay-out) version. Many different opinions on
>that. (groan) Have not had a chance to find someone for giving me some

I didn't mean text only as in no html.. I just meant no graphics, or 
backgrounds. Basically, a basic black and white document where all the 
links are written out, instead of graphic. A text browser will be able 
to recognize links. It would look say something like this.

<title> TITLE </title>
<a href="index2.html">Here's my text only version</a>

where the text "here's my text only version" would be underlined, and by 
using the down and up arrows, someone on lynx would be able to 
hightlight it, hit enter, and be taken to the new link. It's basically 
very easy, very straight forward html, with only a few tags. You might 
want to play with the font size attributes, for example, so that people 
who are visually impaired can also see them, without having to go 
through the graphics. I don't recommend a text only version for most 
sites, but I think it's a necessity in your case, not only for lynx 
browsers, but also for, as I said before, people who can't take the 
colors and animation, or people on really slow connects who would really 
benefit from a really straight forward page. 

>real feedback on how readers works (have some knowledge how but no
>chance to follow up) or uses one. Well a friend does but he is not
>surfing much. One person wrote me, when he saw my site, to change a 
>few things and use text in all alt tags. He said his reader has 
>problems with graphics. Lost his e-mail so couldn't get him back. As 
>soon as this flu thing is over I'm gonna go to a college that has 
>readers set-up(hopefully). Maybe by seeing it I will know what's a good 
way. Will also try to visit lynx site and see. Any ideas are appreciated 
on that subject. Thanks..

Basically, think of how you would set it up if u were doing word 
processing, and list all the links. only use text where you'd use 
graphics. =)

Hope that helps =)


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