Re: Critique Customer RHIRT Page

by "Queen Dido" <romanbtch(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 02 Jan 1998 01:59:25 PST
 To:  hwg-critique(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Sal,

viewing on P166, 32 MB RAM, 800x600 resolution, Mosaic 3.0 and NN3.01. 
28.8 modem.



The icons for the links at the bottom came out *huge*. You might want to 
just reduce the size of the images on photoshop or whatever you are 
using, to the "real" size they are supposed to be on the page. That will 
reduce loading time *which was very slow*, and well they will look 
better on the older browsers. Make each of them of a width of say 145 
pixels or so.. *real* size.. just use any image editor, and do a 
proportional size reduction. =) I see that you use the same image for 
the other pages.. and u need bigger images tehre... so my suggestion is 
just make 2 separate images, say um.. products.gif product_mini.gif, or 
something like that. 

In general :

The email icon (the one that says email and rotates) looks bad among the 
other transparent gifs... the white background just doesn't do the job. 
Try just finding another transparent gif =) 


There is no real need to repeat the email and design information at the 
bottom of all the pages. With the one in the intro is enough. You could 
just do a 

Designed by blah blah, Copyright 1998

at the bottom, if you like.. thats all that's needed =)

Also, try using another color (not red) for the text... it clashes a bit 
with the background, and makes it tiring to the eye... try using 
different greens. If you need it, you can find a utility called "color 
picker", at (Search for HTML, file is called 
""), which lets you pick out a color out of a palette, and 
will give you the corresponding RGB code (like um.. #000000 = black). 
The gold text you use further down on goes much better.. I'd stick with 
a dark green, for example. Also, the bold makes it harder to read.


Again, try a different color scheme. The red and the blue clash with the 
lime-ish background.


The grey cells on the table don't look good at all. Try using a 
different color? 


The page doesn't look bad, just needs a bit of tweaking. You might want 
to get a different background, since it is very hard to match. Also, the 
loading is a bit on the slow side, cause of those huge images.

Good luck! hope this helps you out =)


>Hi All,
>Please critique a new customer site that I am nearly finalized, would 
like some suggestions before I get too deep in it.
>Thanks a lot for your help and suggestions, this has been a great 
source of information to me.
>Saleh (Sal) Kaskas
>E-Mail: kaskas(at)
>KASCO International Software
>Web Page:

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