Re: Request for critique - ELysian Internet Services

by "Collin Lim" <collinlim(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 12 Jan 1998 00:38:50 PST
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

>- how long does it take to load, especially the java nav?

Extremely slow (28.8, P200MMX).  The page itself loads quickly.  
However, the Java code took about 5 minutes load.  I don't see any point 
using Java to do the navigation bar.  It can be done with mouseover 
Javascript and sacrifice much less loading time.

>- how does it look in 640x480 (I used 800x600)

At t640x480, the Link button on the nav bar is not showing, not enough 
vertical space.  Naturally, elysian.gif on the bottom is not showing 
either.  Also, the elysian.gif image is broken.

>- how does it look in IE

When viewed with IE3, the frame borders are showing.  I cannot get the 
page to load completely, so I can't tell you if the borders remain after 
the pages is loaded.

>- how does it look on a Macintosh?

Sorry, I'm a PC'er.

>- general thoughts etc

1. Missing alt attributes in the <img> tags.

2. Forgot to close the <center> tags.

3. Since you set the background color to white, you might want to 
specify the text and link colors just in case the viewer's default 
colors are set to very light.

4. You might want to consider using the <meta> tags to help being seen.

5. Checked out one of your clients: TrickySoft.  There is a notation at 
the bottom of the main page says "This page was written using raw HTML 
code and the notepad editor.  No add-on editors were used at any stage."  
The target audience for that claim is obviously viewers with knowledge 
on HTML.  That means you're expecting some of your viewers to look at 
the code.  In that case, you might want to review the code to make sure 
simple things like width/height attributes and alt attributes are 
included in the <img> tags.  You also forgot the / in the second 
<center> tag.


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