Re: What not to do on your homepage!

by ryan_fischer(at)

 Date:  Sun, 5 Apr 1998 09:17:08 -0400
 To:  gmiller(at)
 Cc:  wilkman97(at), engstrand.markurius(at), hwg-critique(at)
 References:  default gatewayone
  todo: View Thread, Original
On Sun, 05 Apr 1998 08:31:50 -0400 gmiller(at) (Gail Miller)
>The question: what's in the code that causes the browser to open another
>window or, more aptly, how can I prevent that from happening in the
>pages I produce?
>TIA...Gail Miller

I would say "avoid frames", but I know some of you think frames are
necessary.  So I'll offer this option: avoid invalid values for the
TARGET attribute.  This (or JavaScript) is the only thing that could
produce these subsequent windows.

FYI, the reserved attributes for the TARGET attribute (in both the BASE
and A elements) are "_blank", "_self", "_parent", and "_top".  Other
values are equal to windows or frames that have already been named. 
Validity of these are not an issue right now.  The following is the
target algorithm from the W3C's HTML 4.0 Specification:

B.8 Notes on frames
Since there is no guarantee that a frame target name is unique, it is
appropriate to describe the current practice in finding a frame given a
target name: 

1. If the target name is a reserved word as described in the normative
text, apply it as described. 
2. Otherwise, perform a depth-first search of the frame hierarchy in the
window that contained the link. Use the first frame whose name is an
exact match. 
3. If no such frame was found in (2), apply step 2 to each window, in a
front-to-back ordering. Stop as soon as you encounter a frame with
exactly the same name. 
4. If no such frame was found in (3), create a new window and assign it
the target name.

HTH!  ;-)

-Ryan Fischer
ICQ UIN - 595003
"I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite
space were it not that I had bad dreams."

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