Please critque a Small agri-business website

by Adam Trickett <adam.trickett(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 22 May 1998 13:35:25 -0700
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

I've designed a "small" commercial web site for a colleague. At the moment
it's based mostly in plain vanilla HTML3.2/4.

The site is due for an overhaul, to add more CGI/CSS/HTML4, a sales system
and more product information.

1) I'm planning to improve accessability, what are your suggestions. My goal
is towards as full compliance as possible.

2) Speed, many of the intended customers are a long way away, over a slow
network, and slow modems, I need to keep the site speed up. I've kept the
"Dancing Baloney" to a minimum, but I want to add more graphics _AND_ speed
things up.............

3) General interface, does it work well with and without the frames?

4) Platforms, is it okay? I've tested it under NN3 and 4, IE 3 and 4, and
Msaic and Lynx.

5) Any general comments or suggestions.

The site can be reached at:

I only receive digest mode, so email are preferred, but not essential.

My preferred email address for this project is:


Though you can find me and email me from the site.


Adam Trickett            |
Entomology, UC Riverside | Phone +1 (909) 787-6328
Riverside, CA 92521, USA | Fax   +1 (909) 787-3681

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