Re: Critique Requested

by "David Grant" <dj_grant1978(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 26 Jul 2000 14:13:32 GMT
 To:  pfrazer(at)
 Cc:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

You must make some immediate changes to this site.  There are a number of 

1. It functions well and there is support for a number of users;
2. The graphics load quickly and there are no javascript errors;
3. The text is written clearly and is easy to understand; and
4. You are not using any flash or big java applets.

This kind of 'web for everyone' rebellion will not be tolerated.

Seriously, this site is excellent.  You keep to the colour scheme of light 
green and grey very well, although I might suggest slightly more lively 
colours.  The bar on the side could be better, as it kind of mangles the 
buttons a bit.

This site is an excellent example of modern web design - using HTML as it 
was intended to be - serving up documents, and using modern interpretation 
to give it life and excitement.

The only real problem I see is the graphics that you've used on your contact 
page.  They look a bit out of place, especially the '@' sign you have used 
for your e-mail.

In terms of style worries, some versions of Netscape mangle justified 
paragraphs (like if you do a carriage return in a word processor type of 
mangling), so be aware of that.

Your rollovers are fine for me, although if pushed I might suggest a 
different colour to denote the current page.  If you're having problems with 
preloading your images, put them between comments <!--, --> as you have with 
your CSS.  By the way, you didn't use Dreamweaver to write the image loading 
script by any chance?

Just noticed something very important - when moving from page to page, your 
titles and buttons move all over the place...  I think this is due to your 
cellpadding - the alignment is the same in the 'About Us', 'Portfolio', 
'FAQs' and 'Packages' pages, but significantly different in your others.  
The cellpadding is certainly different (10 as opposed to 0) in the 'Contact 
Us' page, but as for the 'Home' page, I haven't a clue.

In general, an excellent site - text links 'n all - keep up the excellent 
work.  If I wasn't a web designer, I'd be asking you for your services (if I 
lived in the US as well, obviously)...


David Grant

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