
by "St. Marys Public Library" <smlib(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 25 Jul 1998 11:20:08 -0400
 To:  kathy(at)
 Cc:  hwg-critique(at)
 References:  execulink
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Kathleen,

Thank-you (to Kathleen and everyone else) for checking out the crafts store
site.  I realized the edges of the side border were a little rough...the
original was a dark brown colour, and I used Paint Shop Pro's colour fill
tool to change that.  Then I used the paintbrush to smooth the edges out
"by hand".  I'm not sure how to make them smoother.  I am by no means a
graphic artist or full-fledged web designer, so my attempts are prolly a
bit crude!  I need to work on the tables as well, like you say - I tend to
design for the monitor I've got (and that's a small one).  As for
validation, I didn't get any major errors, but just little things that I
don't really understand - maybe I'm using the wrong doctype? (4.0
Transitional).  Here are some examples of validation errors:

Error at line 7:
         required attribute "TYPE" not specified

Error at line 20:
      document type does not allow element "UL" here; missing one of "APPLET",
          "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag

I got the following unexpected response when trying to retrieve 

     404 File Not Found 

I checked out your Splendid Slippers site as well, and found it to be very
interesting with an eye-catching design!  The colours really *pop*.  

At 11:50 AM 7/24/98 +0000, you wrote:
>Power Mac, system 7.5.5, Communicator 4.05, 28.8 modem, 832x624 monitor
>Hi Amy,
>A nice looking site. I like the graphics. Just a couple of things that I
>see. The edge of your side border seems a bit rough, you might want to
>smooth it out some. Also, when I make to browser window smaller, everything
>runs into the border. Try using tables to keep everything in place so it
>doesn't run into the border. When I open it up real wide - did you want the
>border to show on the right? If not, you will need to make the background
>wider so people with big monitors don't see it. You may not want to
>compress the picture of the sewing machine quite so much. I can see
>artifacts from the jpeg compression.
>Kathleen Fetner
>What was it you were trying to do that wouldn't validate?
>St. Marys Public Library wrote:
>> Please take a minute and check this site out for me.  It's a commercial
>> site created for a small business.  I realize the HTML doesn't validate,
>> but I've corrected as much as I can - for the rest of the problems I was
>> unsure of how to get the same effect with different code.
>> Thank-you!
>> Amy Fuller

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