by Thomas Ellingsen <jtelling(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 31 Dec 1997 01:50:01 +0100
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
 Cc:  pstrickland(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
P200MMX, Win95, 800x600, 640x480, 24 bits, MSIE 3.02, 33,6 bps
Disclaimer: I'm really a nice guy! All IMO!

>Season's Greeting fellow HWG members. 

Thanks the same, hope yours was nice :)

>I would like for you to check the general feel of the site.  Is it too
>boring?  I tried to make it straight to the point and without a bunch of
>graphics.  I plan to re-design the splash page often incorporating other
>ideas into the site, but just want to get it up and running for now.

I wouldn't settle with THAT at least. If someone would time me I think I
could make that page in 3 minutes with some help from Notepad.exe and MS
Paint. No offense, but I think graphics play an important part of the web.
That is what the average surfer will look at, and that's what people will
credit you for as a webdesigner. This is your chance to prove that you know
more than the rest of us. Why else should we let YOU do the job? OK, maybe
you don't have the right equipment. I say; get it. Most people can't afford
a brilliant program such as Photoshop just for the sake of a homepage. For
you it's an income, that's why you should get it. If you have it, learn how
to use it. Don't worry about your graphics copyright, I don't think people
are queueing to see them. Your main graphic is not antialiased and could be
much smaller if you think economically. 50% of the image is text. The rest
is bgcolor which can easily be made with tables. Would save 50% of that
images bandwidth-theft.
Furthermore I don't like frames. Especially not when they are visible as
they are in my MSIE 3.02. You don't need it either. 
All respect to the guild, but most people know that anyone can join it, and
therefore not neccesary on the frontpage. I suppose the reason why it is
there is to impress newbie costumers whi think the guild is some restricted
"cutting edge, think tank thing".
Get some professional tools to start with, and show that you use them by
adding dimensions to your site. The way it is now I wouldn't touch it with
irongloves if I was a costumer with some sense of estethics.

I think you're off to a bad start and should rethink the effects of such
design. The letters of the PS Web Design logo is horrible and should be the
first thing corrected. WHen you choose not to fill the pages with graphics,
you should at least secure the quality of the ones present.

That's my opinion :)

Have a nice 1998 :)


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