Re: Check Out My Website

by Candi <candi(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 03 Dec 1998 05:52:55 -0700
 To:  "HWG Critique" <hwg-critique(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Starr
My first thoughts are that everything should be reduced to about 1/3 the
size.  I am viewing at 1024x768 and the text and graphics are still really
huge.  I can't imagine how large it would be at a lower resolution.
Default font size for a page is 3, stick with that.  (you have your font
size set to "+2" which means two sizes larger than default, or a 5.....that
is much too large)  Also, left justify it and blockquote it to narrow it up
for easier reading. (or set it in a nested table to make it narrower)
I would also suggest to lose the music.  If you just can't bear to part
with it, then just keep it on the intro page and not on the rest.  
I think the graphics are quite nice (although too large) and if you could
just shrink them down to a reasonable size they will be just fine.  The
black table cell that they are in is good.  Lose the brick background for
the body of the page.  Instead pick a complimentary solid color.  Lose the
table borders, table borders look very amateur.
I think wild color schemes are just fine, as long as it is a scheme and not
just random.  You could put together a very well coordinated 'funky' page.
I think you did quite well for someone who has only been at it a little
over a year.  
I hope that wasn't too harsh.  Your professional page should always be
something you improve as your skills grow.  That is what your clients will
judge you on and you always want it to be the best it can be.  
Good luck!!  With a solid foundation like you have, it seems likely you
could be very successful after more formal training.

Candi McCann
Prickly Pear Web Design

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