Re: critique this site, please (the horse farm)

by Nathalie Esteban <nate(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 03 Jan 1999 16:11:18 -0800
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Critique on 

NN 4.05, 56K, P166 64 MB RAM.

I like it (and will like it more with a white background, keeping the rest
of the colors the way they are). Just a couple of quick things (to add to
what everyone else has said):

1- I'd separate the news page from the main page. Make it another page; the
first page should be short and sweet, without scrolling if at all possible.
A link on the first page to the news would be much better. 

2- I am partial to text-links at the bottom of a page, for text-only
browsers. Nothing too big, just there so that those who use lynx or other
text browsers can see the information too. It can't hurt.

3- the back-to-top link should just point to an anchor in the beginning of
the page, not to the entire url of *another* page. I noticed that it points
to the calendar page, which looks the same at the top but not when you
scroll down.

4- does the menu need to be at the top in each page? I'd just use the
bottom navigation at the top, and then text links at the bottom. People
have already seen the java menu in the main page; I don't see the need to
have the same menu in all the pages.

5- This is my original contribution: try to stick to *one or two* fonts
(plus the logo one) in the entire site. I saw at least 4 different ones,
some pages having all of them. I'd not use comic sans at all for this
particular site; Arial and Verdana would work perfectly, without the need
for any additional fonts (maybe put Helvetica as 2nd choice replacement for
Arial). I saw Century Gothic (which is rare), Comic Sans, Times New Roman,
Garamond, Lucida Calligraphy, and Arial (six total, without including those
in the buttons and logo)... all in one page! And I didn't even look into
the others, maybe there are more? *shrug*. I'd just use italics and bold
print for emphasis instead. 
Many people don't have all of those fonts; some may only have times, arial
and comic sans, but won't see the others. I just noticed cause I happen to
have all of those fonts. 

-No other things to tweak that I could see; didn't have a problem with
loading time, but I have a fast modem =). 

Hope that helps =)

-Nathalie Esteban

P.S. Here's a last-minute thing (nit-picking thing though): maybe the text
color (the red) could be the *same* as that of the basinstoke farms logo?
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your elbow; make yourself good while life and power are still yours.

-Marcus Aurelius, 2nd. Century A.D.

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