RE: please critique

by Nathalie Esteban <nate(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 10 Jan 1999 21:59:40 -0800
 To:  <netimken(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
* note: Critique follows rant below.

I am not a huge fan of Killian myself, but let me tell ya, I didn't see any
offensive material in his critique of your site, mr. Timken. Really, I saw
absolutely NOTHING in what he said that merits your namecalling, much less
to the entire list. That said, I think it's fine that you don't want
someone to review your site, and I don't mind you saying "I wouldn't like
to read so and so's critique." BUT, being the grownup I am, I would simply
*delete* any unwanted comments before reading them, instead of reading
them, getting mad over nothing, and then replying to them on the list
(cursing and everything). 

As to your idea, mr. Timken, of two critique sites, I think that would be a
waste for those of us who are not experts. If we had a list for beginners
only, then only beginners would critique your site and well... you wouldn't
learn much. And as for professional standards, Killian knows a lot about
that and um... he's right; standards for professional work should be VERY

I could see your point if he had called you anything, but to Killian's
merit, he is refraining from making personal comments while keeping his
trademark, that is, his brutal honesty. I see nothing wrong with that. 


Now, for my critique ...

1- The entire page is designed for 640x480. I know it because 1/3 of my
browser's screen is WHITE. That needs to be changed ASAP, because at
800x600 it looks really bad.

2- The page looks too boxy. The top table is holding an image that's about
the same size; it really would be better if you created a logo (or scanned
an existing one and played with it) for that part, although, honestly, I'd
stick to a side bar and white page to start out with, without anything at
top. The buttons don't help much, and neither does the green background in
the two tables. 

3- Since the money background isn't really all over the page, or fully
integrated into the site layout, I would take that off. As the background
for text it doesn't really work. Especially when the text on it is purple.

4- Each page has different links. EVERY page on the site should be
available on each page, especially the HOME page. 

5- Webmaster information would be a good idea at the bottom.

Overall, I think you should really get rid of the horizontal cell, and make
everything in a side bar, white page layout; frames are optional. Maybe use
the money background for the side bar? Just a suggestion. You could also
omit that kind of navigation altogether, since you dont have too many
links, and using a simple layout with a small image map & text links for

In any case, the links for navigation as you have them should be farther
apart, to fill up the space a bit more because it seems that there is not
enough content. I strongly suggest the creation of a logo. Also, stick to a
couple of colors throughout the site; if you are using green a lot, don't
use blue and purple for text or links; use the color attributes for links;
Frontpage should do that. Content is good so far, though I am hoping you
will add more pages to this site. Overall, not bad, but needs a lot of work.

-Nathalie Esteban


Live not as though there were a thousand years ahead of you. Fate is at
your elbow; make yourself good while life and power are still yours.

-Marcus Aurelius, 2nd. Century A.D.

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