Re: Request for Critique

by Kersti <kersti(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 17 Jan 1998 09:50:41 +1100
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
 In-Reply-To:  netrox
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 10:05 16/01/98 -0500, Capt. Thomas Scott wrote:

>Thank you for your (yer :)) time. The site url is:

That's odd, I went through many many years of yer being used for yes/yeah
and ur being used for your.... long before the web too...

Oh well, that aside, my few thoughts

- Loaded fairly well for such an intensive page

- Don't like the blue text on the black background, couldn't read it - had
to highlight it

- The buttons aren't very usefully named - I have no idea what I'm in for
eg "start page" really should be replaced with "home page" and "main page"
could be replaced with "about eggdrop" or something

- From the very first page I can see no reason why I would want to be here,
young children - esp males, need to be told straight away why they are here
or they will move on.



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