Re: Please Critique

by Gareth Hunt <ghunt(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 10 Mar 1998 09:10:27 +0800
 To:  IT John Penfold <John.Penfold(at)>,
"'hwg-critique(at)'" <hwg-critique(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello John

P133, 32 Mb RAM, T1 connection (aren't I lucky), 800x600, NN 4.01.

Some very heavy use of frames, layers and css!  Visually, the site is
pretty damn good.

There were a couple of things:

1. You haven't specified widths and heights for your images, nor are there
alt statements for them.

2. I ran the homepage and another one that uses css through the W3C
validator and it seems that you are using HTML 3.2 as your specified
DOCTYPE!  This version of HTML doesn't support frames or the attributes
required for css (eg <span class=XXX>.  May I suggest you use the HTML
4.0 transitional:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"

3. There is no non-frames alternative which for a substantial number of
people could cause a problem.  Especially for site such as this where
I would imagine you would want to have as wide an audience as possible!
Are there any plans to provide a no-frames alternative?



At 18:29 9/03/98 -0000, IT John Penfold wrote:
>Hello all,
>Could you all please look at http:// 
>  it is a beta of our new web 
>site that will be going live 1st April.
>It makes heavy use of JavaScript and frames.  I hope so far that it is 
>fully functional on browsers that support this, but NN4 does seem to 
>be running some of the mouseover menu effects (you'll know when you 
>see it) though it did this morning! :<
>Could you tell me all the normal .. browser, resolution, OS........
>As I said it is a beta, but about 60% of the content is there, all it 
>needs are the databases that run the site updated and a few little 
>bugs, but if you spot anything let me know.  There are a large number 
>of pages, but don't let that stop you looking at just a few.
>Many Thanks.
>p.s. Take a look at the source, there are some clever bits in there.
Gareth Hunt
Statistics Office - Planning Services
University of Western Australia


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