Re: Hello :)

by Elysia De Chenn <mistygirl(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:45:14 -0400
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
[ StThatCare(at) writes ]

>May I ask why you would ask for a critique of your site if the design is set
>in stone.  

"set in stone" meaning that I'm now working on the -content- of my page,
being satisfied with the design and layout.  However, just because -I'm-
satisfied does not mean that my audience will be.

>I always thought the idea of getting a critique was to get feedback
>on possible design flaws on different browsers, the size of graphics, etc,
>etc,etc.  That's all part of the design and layout.

yes, the reason why I'm asking for the critique is because I'm using NN
v3.0 at 800X600 resolution, and my page is satisfactory under these
conditions.  I -do- need feedback on how my page appears to other browsers,
etc etc.

>I didn't think HWG-CRITIQUE was to build up hits.

Well, technically it is, if you consider it's purpose.  

Good thing about having a WebTracker(tm) counter (as I do) is that you can
get thorough statistics on what kind of browser your visitors are using,
the referring site, etc., etc.  These statistics (along with critiques) are
necessary to catering to the widest audience possible.

-that- is the point of HWG-CRITIQUE, unless I'm mistaken.  Pardon the
misunderstanding. :)

"People always say              | Elysia's Asylum                        
life is full of choices         |   [ ] one ever mentions fear."  | No Faith                               
         -Anastasia             |   [ ]

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