Chain Letters

by Elysia De Chenn <mistygirl(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 08 Oct 1998 12:08:37 -0400
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Just curious...but did anyone else get a chain letter from someone
promoting one of those "Help me get hits" pages, with the Sender as

If so...let me say that I have first dibs on beating him/her about the head
with a lead pipe...I get enough of these things on a regular basis, I don't
need or appreciate getting them through the HWG mailing lists.

[points below]

//Ely, disgusted.

To: Anke Kroon <akroon(at)>, Arnold van Winsen <a.van.winsen(at)>,
    Berna de Grauw <>,

Subject: I usually don't send these kind of mails..
Sender: owner-hwg-critique(at)

"...fascinating, isn't it, when  | No Faith                             
 she screams; and it feels like  |  []
 dying...meant so much to me."   |                                      
      -me,   "Liar"              | ..                                   

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