Re: Critique my site pretty please?

by Elysia De Chenn <elysia(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 06 Nov 1998 13:43:52 -0500
 To:  Natalie Verge <nsv(at)>
 Cc:  hwg-critique(at)
 In-Reply-To:  natalie
  todo: View Thread, Original
>I'd appreciate it if you could critique my resume page at 
>== snip ==
>BORDER="0" in the FRAMESET tags, but that doesn't validate. Is there a
>workaround, or will I just have to choose?

Specs:  Win95
	 17-inch monitor,
	 1024X768 res, 256 colors
	 NN 4.05

Absolutely beautiful!  I'd hire you, Natalie ;)

As for the border, I think it fits in perfectly...if you hadn't have
mentioned it, I would never have considered that it wasn't a part of the
design...however, here's what I do to eliminate all borders.  It may be a
bit of overkill, but it works. [ minus the (.), which is included for those
with web-based browsers ]

<.frameset blah="" border="0">
   <.frame name="blah" frameborder="no" border="0">

Now, I personally don't give a fig for validation (ducking to avoid flying
fruit), I'm more of an appearance and compatability long as it
looks good and is compatible with -most- or a majority of browsers, I'm
good to go.  So...perhaps if you try removing the border="0" from the
frameset, etc, around with it a bit.

Lovely choice of colors, Natalie...and maybe I am slightly nutty, but after
taking another look at your page, I think you should keep the borders the
way they are, or maybe only remove the uppermost border.


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 crash were wild,     |  []
 where are you now?"             |                                      
      "Motel" - Tori Amos        | ..                                   

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